TelepsychHealth Mental Health Education Blog

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Opioid Induced Hyperalgesia

Opioid Induced Hyperalgesia

Opioid induced hyperalgesia is a controversial topic, but nonetheless, one that is becoming more accepted in the field, and it is worth educating yourself about this.

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Effectiveness of Telepsychiatry

Effectiveness of Telepsychiatry

Telepsychiatry is gaining acceptance in the field, and continued study of its efficacy with specific mental health issues and within specific populations will help make the arguments for its use stronger in the field of psychiatry.

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How can mental illness worsen isolation?

How can mental illness worsen isolation?

A common theme among those suffering from certain mental health conditions is the tendency to isolate oneself. This can be driven by a number of factors but can also perpetuate the feeling of loneliness and fear, and result in an ongoing cycle of self-isolation. This...

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Medication Treatment Options for Alcohol Use Disorder

Medication Treatment Options for Alcohol Use Disorder

The treatment for alcohol use disorder includes individual therapy, group therapy, and medication options. Alcoholism is a disease process that must be treated similar to a medical and mental health disorders. Although this article focuses on medication treatment...

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How Can Depression, Anxiety Skew Our Perception of Reality?

How Can Depression, Anxiety Skew Our Perception of Reality?

As humans, our perception of the world around us shapes how we interact with it. And vice versa; how we interact with the world shapes our perceptions. This was a topic that was recently discussed with a guest on the #FuturePsychiatryPodcast.Listen to an excerpt from...

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